Saturday, 4 September 2010

One exception

I know, I'm not blogging at the moment.

But I just found a lovely quote which I wanted to share, and it's in the midst of sermon prep, so not time-wasting.

Derek Kidner on Psalm 110 mentions in a footnote those who dispute Davidic authorship:
The majority of present critics dissent more moderately from the New Testament
view of the psalm by seeing it as an enthronement oracle for either David or one
of his successors, spoken to him by an anonymous cultic official. Our Lord and
the apostles, it is understood, were denied this insight.


Saturday, 2 January 2010

Goodbye for now

Don't come by in 2010. I shall neither post nor read blogs this year.

I don't post often, or indeed say anything particularly interesting, so no-one will miss this.

I will miss other blogs, which often give food for thought, exegetical nuggets, careful reflections on events etc. But, on balance, I think I will gain even more from giving time I would spend blogging to reading and proper thought.

I also have more books to review and articles to write (which take considerably more time than blogging) for Ecclesia Reformanda, a superb journal of British Reformed theology, which had a fantastic first year in 2009, and looks for an even better one this year. So if you want to keep up with what I'm thinking and reading, subscribe!